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  1. #2
    Moderator Paddy54's Avatar
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    Known omm's 1938 D/S

    FS 514 has been delisted D/D/S centered

    FS- 511
    FS -512
    FS- 513
    FS -514 all omm's coneca listed.

    Wanted your opinion on this one.
    I do believe that its a new discovery coin for the omm 38 D buffalo

    I also found a raw one that matches the slabed one in ms- 66.
    I am waiting on delivery probably some time the next 10 days. To examine in hand.
    If it is a new discovery which I believe that it ive never seen a 38 D with a omm like these two.
    There's also lathe lines ,doubling of serifs ,
    Ive also been searching the "S" mint marks on the 34,35,36,37 buffalo nickels. Searching them for style, as well other identifying marks a die chip in the top of the S loop.
    Mm placement's on all S minted nickels 34-37.
    The 36 S looks promising for those dies reworked due to series ending.

    And lastly
    If it is a new discovery....I want it launched from Error Scope..and Coneca.... whatch think?
    Who do I send this to for attribution? Thanks
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    Last edited by Paddy54; 11-24-2024 at 04:59 PM.
    "That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante "


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